I don't claim to be an expert cook. Or a fancy cook. In fact, I never used to really enjoy cooking. So this is mostly about low fuss, filling and tasty meals, and really just anything I have a go at and decide to share along the way!! My top priority is avoiding additives and preservatives wherever possible closely followed by using whole/less processed/healthier ingredients. But for those who would like conventional options that are quick tasty and cost effective, I would like to share tips on all of these as well!!

Friday, 31 August 2012

Missing in action

Hi all!

Just a quick note for those that don't know, we moved to America as of 2 weeks ago, so life has been a little hectic!  We were packing up getting ready for the move, and until now, have been living in hotels since we arrived!

Currently we have just been approved for a house to rent while we are here for the next 9 months, so hopefully we will be in and settled very soon!

We are eating the terrible American take out food, and feeling very poorly for it!  I already have a Thermomix waiting for me to use, so I am busting to buy some fresh food and cook and detox and hopefully feel better quickly!!

I have already made some exciting food discoveries here in California, so am looking forward to sharing them and getting back into preparing quick and easy meals and snacks and posting more recipes!

Thank you for your patience!!